Visual Style
To establish audience recognition and trust, it is vital that brand look and perception is consistent through all colleges, departments, offices and divisions.

This section contains key elements to help designers, photographers, videographers and web developers properly convey the university’s visual identity.
You also will find video and photo release forms, and the most updated electronic files of all official Texas A&M logos. These files are available to faculty and staff for use in marketing and informational material. Others wishing to use Texas A&M marks must seek approval from the Office of Business Development. All incentive or promotional items using university marks must be produced by a licensed vendor.
Visual Style Resources
A logo is the face and signature of our brand. It unites us as a single identity and connects the world to our brand as the face of any form of communication. The more consistent a logo is, the more likely it will be remembered.
The university color palette was created to complement our signature color, Aggie Maroon.
The Texas A&M brand uses a few distinct design elements throughout its marketing materials.
Updates to the visual style have been made to accommodate issues commonly found with branding on the web, including fonts and utility colors.
The Division of Marketing and Communications oversees standards for business stationery layout, content, change requests and quality control.
There are four primary typefaces used in the Texas A&M University brand: Oswald, Work Sans, Open Sans and Crimson Text.
Please review our photography and video requirements before utilizing any of the Texas A&M provided templates or assets.
Self-Service Branding Tools
We have provided an array of templates for use by communicators across campus to help foster a consistent representation of our brand.