Mass Email and Opt-List Policies
The university's email service and opt-lists support internal email communications for the Texas A&M community for approved event promotions, research study participation opportunities, student organizations and more.

Mass emails are administrative or operational in nature and provide details needed by the recipients to successfully perform their roles or fulfill responsibilities. These messages are essential to job performance or completing academic requirements, or are a required notification due to university, state or federal policy, law or regulation. Recipients are unable to opt out of official university emails as they are often distributed universitywide or campuswide on behalf of executive leadership. These messages may also be sent to support timely updates specific to a unique population based on their location, role at the university, etc.
Opt-list communications are nonadministrative and nonoperational in nature and allow employees and students to opt in or out of receiving these optional communications. Policies are in place to ensure opt-list emails are relevant, accessible and do not overwhelm recipients. These policies include rules on authorized senders, recipient selection, frequency and timing and types of message content.