The unit identities system replaced the old system referred to as “lockups.” Units that communicate to both campus and global audiences must include the name “Texas A&M University” at the top of the unit identity. The unit identity combines the TAM Box Logo and “Texas A&M University” with the name of a campus unit. Depending on the length of the unit name, it may appear on one line or two.

The unit identity should be created using Open Sans semibold for Texas A&M University (all caps) and Open Sans regular for the unit name (upper and lower case).

Get Unit Identities templates

One-Line Unit Name – On Light

Texas A&M Engineering Logo

Inline Logos

Texas A&M Engineering Logo

Stacked Logos

One-Line Unit Name – On Dark

Texas A&M Engineering Logo with a maroon background

Inline Logos

Texas A&M Engineering Logo with a maroon background

Stacked Logos

Two-Line Unit Name – On Light

Master of Biotechnology Program Logo

Inline Logos

Master of Biotechnology program logo on three lines

Stacked Logos

Two-Line Unit Name – On Dark

Master of Biotechnology Program Logo on maroon

Inline Logos

Master of Biotechnology program logo on three lines on maroon

Stacked Logos

Dos and Don’ts


  • Do follow the guidelines provided in this section when creating college and department identities.
  • Do follow the guidelines provided in this section when creating identities for dark backgrounds.


  • Don’t use Texas A&M University below the name of any unit (it must always be used first).
  • Don’t use the non-boxed TAM for identities on light backgrounds.
  • Don’t use old lockup system (Frutiger bold in all caps) with old brand fonts.