As outlined by the Texas A&M University System, all Texas A&M-owned social media accounts should by owned and managed solely by staff in the Department of Marketing & Communications.

  1. All university-affiliated social media channels will be overseen by a designated authority to monitor the channels for inappropriate content and ensure that all posts are consistent with the university’s mission.
  2. The MarComm staff member must be provided with a list of all persons authorized as an administrator or editors of social media accounts.
  3. Content promoting or advertising by third party vendors or businesses is not allowed on university-affiliated social media channels without a formal partnership or contract with Texas A&M.
  4. Primary social media channels for the university will be monitored and run by the MarComm professional. This includes, but is not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn accounts.
  5. Other university social media channels for colleges, departments, academic programs, athletics, etc., will be monitored by the staff member given the administrator role for each account. The MarComm staff member will monitor content on all university-connected social media accounts.
  6. Embedded MarComm professionals must be assigned a page/account role with every university-affiliated social media account to assist with monitoring/managing these accounts.
  7. MarComm must approve all new university-affiliated accounts to ensure adherence to university branding guidelines.

These rules do not apply to faculty, staff, and student personal social media accounts; faculty professional social media accounts; social media accounts associated with labs; and student organization social media accounts.